I have a yummy new voicemail message on my mobile! Richard is now answering Business Hat callers. So professionally done – like having a personal John Humphries to answer the phone! It’s fabulous – thanks! Inspired idea! Could have one for every mood of the day. Although 300+ might be kicking the backside out of…
Happy Words From Happy Clients
Julian Wellings, JW Films
Richard provided the voiceover for an online booking system demonstration video I was producing. I’d heard examples of Richard’s work previously so he was my first port of call. I sent him the script and a couple of days later he emailed me an MP3 file of his voiceover. Richard made it so easy and…
Michael Jones, Teleproject UK
We were in a fix and needed someone to do some voiceover work quickly; everyone recommended Richard and now I know why… Great voice, Great attitude, thanks for your help Richard I am sure we will be using you again in the near future.
Chris Weaver, Free Spirit Film & TV
Free Spirit recently commissioned Richard to do a Voice Over for a promotional video. We had a tight deadline set by our client so it was very important to get it right with the minimum of fuss. Being an experienced Voice Over Artist Richard understands deadlines and knew exactly what was required. His style and…
Nik Coleman, Nik Coleman Films
Really impressed with Richard as a Broadcast v/o – he’s proved flexible, reliable and his actual work is spot on. He clearly has a great understanding of the constraints and time issues when working for Broadcast TV and delivered us the job on time – in fact ahead of schedule, allowing us time for amendments…
David Gay, OutsourcedSales b2b Ltd
The work you did for me was great, and every time a prospect or client rings they get a professional message…
Mark Adams, The IT Guy
Thanks Richard for my lovely fab voicemail. Dealing with you was simple, and you turned the job around in 24hrs – good times! Will definitely use you again 🙂
Denise Meredith, Events Organiser
Richard kindly recorded a voicemail message for me from a script that I had provided. Thanks Richard my message is definitely more professional than it used to be. If you are thinking about a new voicemail message or even a podcast or voiceover for a tv ad..look no further than Richard, he’s highly recommended…
Martin Connor, Walk The Talk Tours
Just had some audio recorded by Richard, very helpful and easy to deal with; would be happy to recommend his work. Thanks Richard
Debbie Perry, City Nites
I have known Richard for a few years now, and recently he recorded our mail box greetings and a 3 minute corporate video about our serviced apartments. Richard’s voice is better than treacle!: smooth and sexy! He adds the professional voice over we needed to attract guests from all over the world, with his native…