What Do YOU Want To Know?

I don’t very often do a newsletter or mailshot, mainly because I don’t know what people want to know about me and what I’m up to!

The last thing I’d want to do is send out a monthly mailshot that’s just full of fluff and filler, stuff that people aren’t bothered about and are more than likely to click delete before reading any of it. (Something which I do regularly with the amount of newsletters I end up receiving.)

So here’s your opportunity to let me know what exactly would you want to hear about? Previous jobs? Case studies? Seeing finished articles so you can get a sense of what my voice sounds like against various projects? Tips?

I want to get the offering right, which is why my mailshots are few and far between. I don’t want to p*ss anyone off. So, cyberworld, I need your help…Feel free to either email my directly, post a reply here, or contact me on Twitter or Google+.

If you’d also like to add yourself to my list for future mailings, please use the form below.

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