It’s clear that the world is a bit unpredictable at the moment, with millions of people around the world being forced to work from home during this period of lockdown.
For a lot of people, that means enduring a hell of a wrench, and a very different way of working. It can be incredibly difficult for some to adapt to these new routines, especially for an extended period of time.
I guess this is where I can safely class myself as one of the fortunate ones in many ways, as I’ve always worked from home, so it feels fairly normal for the most part. Although this lockdown period affects my personal & social life, my working life remains more or less unaffected.
Given all I generally need in order to function, work-wise, is my computer, my microphone, studio gear, and a decent broadband connection – I’m good to go! I’m perfectly used to feeling like a hermit, often found in my little padded room, away from the outside world.
Therefore, just so you’re aware, lovely clients, I’m fully available and can continue voicing your projects unaffected, completely remotely, and I’m reachable whenever you need me.
Now may be the time where you and your business need to evaluate the messages, video and audio, you’re putting out there. Are they appropriate for the current climate? Do they reference things like ‘going out’ and ‘meeting with friends’ for instance? I know a lot of TV and radio ads etc lately have had to revise their scripts & be re-voiced given the fact no one can go out at the moment.
Perhaps if you and your staff are working from home, have you ensured your phone system’s on-hold message is offering useful and current, valuable information and/or advice to your callers? Do they reflect any changes in how you’re operating? Do they mention any revised opening hours or availability notices?
If anything does need updating, then just let me know, I can turnaround projects pretty quickly for you.
Voiceover aside, it’s worth evaluating all of your business communications to ensure they’re applicable, appropriate and current. There have been quite a few face-palm-worthy faux pas’ lately with companies forgetting certain messages are being posted out on pre-planned schedules. So it’s something to be aware of!
I hope that you’re able to continue working as you normally would, and that you’re not suffering much in the way of downtime.
Stay safe out there.
And wash your hands.