How to work even more mobile The other day, I purchased something that will, I think, greatly help me work on the move for the times I don’t need/want to take my laptop with me. The Anker ultra slim iPad keyboard. The inspiration came from me seeing lots of reports about the Logitech counterpart, but…
The Passing Of A True Legend
Last night, I saw the news break via Twitter to say that Steve Jobs had died. At first, like so many of these tweets, you assume it’s a distasteful hoax, so I ignored it. However it soon became clear that it was actually genuine. The web for the last 15 hours or so has, predictably,…
Someone Thought I Was Knowledgeable
A couple of weeks ago I was interviewed by a writer for IT Donut, following my response to a question they posed via Twitter on the plus-es and pitfalls of cloud computing. I essentially just relayed my experiences using dropbox daily for document storage and sharing, freeing up files to use on other computers when…