I was notified this morning to say that our second app – Shop Prank – has now gone live in the iPhone App Store. Priced just 59p (USD$0.99) it is the perfect app to wind your friends up when in shops and supermarkets! It includes things like ‘Cashier Number Four Please’ amongst many other phrases…
Why You Should Use Multimedia
With any website, the end goal is to keep them on there for as long as possible, get them to have a look at all the various services you may offer, and encourage them to get in contact you to buy from you. It’s all to do with the conversion from visitor to customer. So…
Business Radio Ad Production Offer
Today I have launched a new special offer for February. This time round it’s for a radio-style audio advert designed to reside on your website, blog, social media sites, wherever you want to put it. Getting your company’s message out there is getting increasingly important, to make sure you’re heard above your competitors. This is…
Rising Up The Rankings
Since our App ‘Telesales Annoyer’ was released, it has been steadily rising up the rankings in the ‘top paid apps’ section in the Utilities category. It started life at position 150 out of the many thousands of apps in that category, so we were very pleased with that. Last night, we found that Apple have…